We are aware of a site-wide issue with email receipts not sending from our webstore. We apologize for the inconvenience and are actively working on fixing the issue. For questions please contact info@knights12532.com

Golf Outing

Four Season Golf Course 949 Church Street, Landisville, PA, United States

Join us for a fun day of golf and fellowship

Officer Meeting

All members are welcome to join us.

Officer Meeting

All members are welcome to join us

Coffee and Donuts

The Knights will be sponsoring coffee and donuts, help if able, wear something that shows you are a Knight.

4th Degree Christmas Gala

Eden Resort 222 Eden Rd, Lancaster , PA, United States

The 4th degree will be having their Christmas Gala at the Eden. Contact John Radicone for details. Cost $50 per person

Golf/Pig roast meeting

Committee members please attend. Meeting in the Library, please enter through side doors.

Officer meeting

All members are welcome to attend

5th Sunday Rosary

Knights will lead the Rosary prior to all Masses. Please join us 30 minutes prior to Mass