We are aware of a site-wide issue with email receipts not sending from our webstore. We apologize for the inconvenience and are actively working on fixing the issue. For questions please contact info@knights12532.com

AWC carnation sales

We will be assisting with the Mother's day carnation sales this weekend. Proceeds benefit A Woman's Concern. Need help after all Masses.

Officer Meeting

Saint John Neumann Church 601 East Delp Road, Lancaster, PA, United States

meeting at 7:15

Admission Degree

Saint John Neumann Church 601 East Delp Road, Lancaster, PA, United States

Set up at 6:30, candidates at 7:00, degree starts promptly at 7:30 Observers encouraged! Will take place in SJ XXIII center

General Council Meeting

Saint John Neumann Church 601 East Delp Road, Lancaster, PA, United States

rosary at 7:15, meeting follows

Special Olympics Fundraiser

The State Police host a fundraiser for Special Olympics. The officers are the wait staff and all tips are donated to Special Olympics

Formation Degree

Council 2294 Columbia 400 Maple St, Columbia, PA, United States

At Columbia Council. Set up 6:30, candidates 7:00, degree starts promptly at 7:30. Observers encouraged!

Officer Meeting

Saint John Neumann Church 601 East Delp Road, Lancaster, PA, United States

meeting at 7:15 meeting moved to this date due to conflict with church schedule.

Road Clean up and grounds work

We will have our quarterly road clean up and when finished do some extra church grounds work.