5th Sunday Rosary
Rosary prayed prior to all Masses this weekend
Rosary prayed prior to all Masses this weekend
Join us for Mass at SJN 7:30 followed by breakfast at the Eden resort. Guest speaker Frank Ryan.
We will be having an open house for anyone interested in joining the Knights. Bring a friend and let them learn about all the Knights have to offer!
rosary at 7:15, meeting follows
Various times and locations contact Ron Eluk to volunteer, bd_eluk@yahoo.com or 717-945-5414
We will be assisting with the Mother's day carnation sales this weekend. Proceeds benefit A Woman's Concern. Need help after all Masses.
We will meet at the pavilion, if bad weather inside the church.
meeting at 7:15
Set up at 6:30, candidates at 7:00, degree starts promptly at 7:30 Observers encouraged! Will take place in SJ XXIII center
rosary at 7:15, meeting follows