SMA Christmas Party

Eden Resort 222 Eden Rd, Lancaster , PA, United States

Join the Assembly for their annual Christmas Party at the Eden Resort. Information can be found on the 4191 website link...look under SMA tab at top


5th Sunday Rosary

Knights lead the parish in the Rosary prior to all Masses. To volunteer see Ron Eluk

Council Holiday Ball

Eden Resort 222 Eden Rd, Lancaster , PA, United States

Join us at the Eden for an fun evening!


Officers Meeting

Meeting at 7:15 p.m. all Knights are invited to attend.

Admission Degree

Saint John Neumann Church 601 East Delp Road, Lancaster, PA, United States

Degree will be held in Saint John XXIII building. Candidates at 7 p.m. Degree at 7:30 p.m. Observers always welcome, help us welcome our new brother Knights!