We are aware of a site-wide issue with email receipts not sending from our webstore. We apologize for the inconvenience and are actively working on fixing the issue. For questions please contact info@knights12532.com

Soccer Challenge

At LCHS sports fields. Help is needed 3:30 - 6:00 District challenge to follow

Officer Meeting

All are welcome to help guide our council

5th Sunday Rosary

We will pray the rosary prior to all Masses this weekend. Contact Ron Eluk to help

Knighthood (3rd) Degree

Knights of Columbus 867 1575 New Danville Pike, Lancaster, PA, United States

join us for the Knighthood degree held at 867 council. Candidates 1:00 degree starts at 1:30

General Council Meeting

Rosary at 7:15 meeting follows. We will be meeting early to distribute funds to multiple charities. 6:30 pm