Assembly Meeting
Mary Mother of the Church 625 Union School Rd, Mt. JoyRosary at 7:15 meeting follows at Mary Mother of the Church Mt Joy
Rosary at 7:15 meeting follows at Mary Mother of the Church Mt Joy
Meeting at 7:15, any brother Knight is welcome to attend
Rosary at 7:15 meeting follows in the church social hall
Rosary at 7:15 meeting follows at OMPH Ephrata
Meeting starts at 7:15 pm, any brother Knight is welcome to attend
Join us at the Eden Resort for a fun evening! Ticket information will be coming soon!
Rosary at 7:15 pm meeting follows in the church social hall
Rosary 7:15 pm meeting follows at St Peters Elizabethtown
Meeting starts at 7:15pm any brother Knight is welcome to attend.
Join us at the Eden Resort for dinner and dancing!